Big Multimodal Data-driven Medical Image Processing for the COVID-19 Diagnosis


  • Shengli Xie
  • Sergey Gorbachev
  • Zhaoshui He
  • Xiaozhao Fang
  • Zuyuan Yang
  • Guoxu Zhou



Information retrieval, hash codes, principal components analysis, residual preservation


Diagnosis using medical images is extremely labor-intensive and could even be subjective. With the exciting progress of artificial intelligence (AI) in the last decade, it has been increasingly realistic and promising to develop automatic diagnoses from medical images. In this chapter, we give comprehensive advances on recent data-driven AI technologies for the COVID-19 diagnosis based on medical images. Moreover, rather than using a massive volume of data to train a network, it is also valuable to take multi-modal multi-view data into a unified learning framework to improve the accuracy of diagnosis. To this end, two categories of representation learning methods are proposed to deal with this variety and variability of big medical image data. One is an average approximate hashing (AAH) method for searching large-scale multimedia databases, which projects data into different semantic spaces but shares a unified hash code. The other focuses on nonnegative matrix factorization-based clustering models for multi-view data. Experiments justify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods.


WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard. Accessed: Aug. 11, 2021.

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How to Cite

Xie, S., Gorbachev, S., He, Z., Fang, X., Yang, Z., & Zhou, G. (2022). Big Multimodal Data-driven Medical Image Processing for the COVID-19 Diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence Impressions, 1, 21–56.