Fuzzy Logic Traffic Light Control Model Using Arduino UNO Microcontroller


  • Sergey Gorbachev
  • Maxim Bobyr
  • Yang Yang
  • Fei Ding




traffic light, traffic density, fuzzy logic, control


The chapter is devoted to modeling the traffic light control process based on fuzzy logic with the possibility of adjusting the time intervals of traffic light signals depending on the traffic situation. The definition of input variables for a fuzzy logic control system of an intelligent traffic light is performed using a vision system. The proposed method of controlling a traffic control device is based on a fuzzy inference system and contains several stages: determination of clear input variables, fuzzification of the values of input variables, aggregation of data based on fuzzy rules, defuzzification of values and determination of the delay time of the permitting traffic light signal. According to the proposed fuzzy model, an experimental layout based on the Arduino Uno controller has been developed, simulating the operation of an intelligent traffic light control system.  A specialized software model has been created, which has been patented ("A program for regulating traffic lights based on fuzzy logic"). The results of experimental studies have shown the high efficiency of the traffic light control model in the daily cycle. The model successfully copes with the estimation of the traffic density of cars and pedestrians, proportionally adjusting the operating time of traffic lights. The development and implementation of this model will ensure the safety and convenience of road traffic for all participants.


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How to Cite

Gorbachev, S., Bobyr, M., Yang, Y., & Ding, F. (2022). Fuzzy Logic Traffic Light Control Model Using Arduino UNO Microcontroller. Artificial Intelligence Impressions, 1, 255–268. https://doi.org/10.57118/creosar/978-1-915740-01-4_12